Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Evolution…

Once upon a time humans would roam around in the forests,
When hungry, they would prey on the creatures of the wild,
They would find solace having retired in the caves, under the trees,
Or even under the vast expanse of the night sky.
Then, one day, an enlightened one amongst them,
Would begin to pile up stones! One above the other!
He would make a home…….HOME!!
As he would return Home after the day’s toils,
His arrival would be awaited my his wife, his little children, his loved ones!
His life would blossom in the warmth of care and love!
After all, he would find all the reasons to live!
Amidst the thousands in the crowd,
He is no one!
Among the countless pebbles on the seashore,
He is a pebble too!
However! the moment he would return to his loving Home,
He would be loved as a King! He is the Husband!
He is the Lord! ……The loved one!
It took thousands of years to build a Home where love dwells!
Not a mere built of brick and mortar……..
HOME!! Where Love dwells!!
One can rebuild, if a house falls apart,
But what if a Home shatters?
Nothing….No one can build it back!

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